I don’t claim to be the worlds greatest technician. I claim to be competent. Unfortunately the average technician I run into is incompetent. Wondering if other IT people reading this have the same experience or if it’s specific to where I live. My friend reached out to me about his computer, he said someone told him there might be a virus. He brings me the computer, it’s a...
I fucked up: Cleaning up your corner of the world
For years, I have been recommending Honey. I was under the impression they were tracking your web and purchasing behavior and selling it for advertising. Which, for me, was a fine tradeoff, as most people are already being tracked, and at least now they got something useful. Well, it turns out, as you’re probably already aware, they were stealing affiliate links, as well as providing the ability...
2025 Moving Forward
Yes another 2025 post to spam your feed with . I split this and the previous post up as it was too overwhelming as one giant post. Some things I would like to post more about: Self Hosting/My Homelab Interacting more with the Indie/Smol web community with things like response posts or trending post types Miyoo mini and retro handhelds in general Tracking books I read and games I play Video...
2024 Year In Review
It’s been a pretty good year for the blog, and I’ve implemented some stepping stones for a better year in 2025. In terms of writing I took on the 100 days to offload. I didn’t even get close, but I did end up writing way way more than last year. My writing grammar and spelling have improved significantly and they also got an extra buff from my wife proofreading everything. I...
Site Optimiziations
Tweaked some stuff yesterday and loading speeds seem to be improved significantly . Removed these plugins Gwolle Guestbook – No usage so was removedInsert pages -cant remember what this was forSimple Guesbook – was installed for testing forgot to removedSite kit by google – Wasn’t doing anything for me Ultimate Category Excluder – Rambles are included on the main...
Why is visual voicemail not the standard on Android in 2024?
Is there some technical reason that this isn’t built in a feature to android? Why is it either a cell providers POC app (usually with a addon to your bill) or just not there? Actually drives me mad.And if you know of an app or service that I have missed please let me know TIA.
This is day 29 of #100DaysToOffload
My Default Apps at the End of 2024
Following the rest of the blogosphere thanks to Robb Knight . I have also stolen Kev’s title please don’t sue me. I have a huge list of Techreccs as well with way more stuff than whats here. Please go check it out as I have spent an enormous amount of time putting it together.📨 Mail Client – Mailbird on Windows and Mailspring on Linux📮 Mail Server – Gmail and Infomaniak📝...
ADD to the MAX
Have a bajillion things I want to write about but cant ever seem to do it when I sit down at the pc. Welp.
5 New Tools I have used in the past week to speed up my Workflow
Workspace in Power Toys PowerToys Workspaces utility for Windows | Microsoft LearnWinaero Tweaker to remove drive letters Winaero Tweaker Listary Listary – Free File Search Tool & App LauncherText Blaze Text Blaze: Snippets and Templates for ChromeAI summary on Android Sum Up AI Notification Summary – Apps on Google Play
This is day 27 of #100DaysToOffload
Site Updates
Fediverse integration and a guestbook page are now up. Hope to deal with some /slashpages later in the week.
This is day 26 of #100DaysToOffload