The TechRecc Updates are . Android GrimvalorJust player – A video player with perfect bluetooth audio sync.QKSMS (replaces Textra)ZonelyArchived YT Vanced due to DMCA Takedown Removed NL Podcasts Added PCPer And Broken Silicon EDC Fellow Prismo has been added Go get all the links and full descriptions at Onto Notion I started with Notion for wedding planning as it...
A Great Android Game Exists.
No this isn’t clickbait. I am hooked on a quality android game, Grimvalor. It’s a side-scrolling hack and slash, with Dark Souls type bosses. It’s fair but challenging. Has extremely tight feeling controls, well-designed levels, and enemies as well as a great art style. It also runs nicely on a Snapdragon 720g. Cannot recommend it enough. This is the first game that will appear...
Updraft+ Backup Fail
A few days ago my site was down and replaced with a completely different site that I was working on in the past. What happened was, the backup plugin I use called Updraft+ attaches to your Google Drive. And apparently, it by default doesn’t make a subfolder per each site being backed up. So I ended up restoring a different site from within the Updraft dashboard as it doesn’t seem to...
Should I Root My Phone in 2022
Rooting, for a long time, has been a mainstay in the Android community, but in the past few years it seems to have fallen out of style. Should you root in 2022? Rooting Vs Custom ROM The first thing I would like to make clear is that Rooting and installing a Custom Android ROM/OS are actually two separate things.These things tend to go hand in hand but they don’t have to. Installing a...
We have been Featured on Two Podcasts: A Small Site Roundup In honor Of 420.
PupOnTech has been featured on Two different podcasts. Some Gadget Guy Episode # 247 Mike Tech Show Episodes # 821 Redmi Note 9 Pro Modders Guide has been updated. Small post about my Laptop and Fedora Linux. And I hope to put out a post over the coming days, about whether its still worth rooting your phone in 2022 . Besides that just been a lot of chilling with the Doggo, and reading on my KOBO...
“New” Laptop and moving to Fedora 36
So my beloved Thinkpad X230’s Screen decided to slowly crack down the middle the past few days. And being that the past few months have been really difficult I decided to treat myself and move to my “New” backup X230 and put the “old one as a current backup. For the sake of this post Brick 1 is the old one and Brick 2 is the new one. Specs Both Bricks are Identical in...
The Problem I have been saying this for years we need either, One messenger that everyone uses, which will never happen!! (For more info search for the Network effect/ Critical mass. )A Contacts-based messenger app. All chats from one contact, no matter the platform, will end up in one hub under their name.In the worst case scenario, at least we need a messaging app that combines all the...
The Forgotten Bottleneck: Part 2 Chipsets
Chipsets are the second forgotten bottleneck . Please note: We will not be discussing Desktop Chipsets in this article. One of the many things that I learned about while working at my previous job. Is just how different two laptops with more or less identical specs and software setups can ‘feel” completely different.Obviously, this isn’t something I have benchmarked. But having happened...
Simplewall More Powerful than I Thought.
As the war in Ukraine rages both IRL and in Cyberspace, It once again seemed appropriate to double down on security. I went down the rabbit hole of firewalls again, yet still ended up back at Simplewall, with a newfound appreciation for the tool. After playing around with a few free firewalls including Comodo FirewallTinywallWindows Firewall Control Then I went down a deep rabbit hole of blocking...
The Death of Youtube Vanced, An End to A Great Era.
Youtube Vanced has been copyright striked by google. It is only a matter of time (2 Yrs) until the backend api changes break the current version. For those of you who dont know what Youtube Vanced is, you are now blessed. Anyone who has been using Youtube Vanced you can commiserate with me. For now it will be left on the Techreccs until it stops working. The Death of Youtube Vanced, An End to A...